Windows experience for millions of people


Windows experience for millions of people


What you can do as an Insider

For developers

Help shape the future of Windows

Be a part of the ongoing process of improving the features and functionality of Windows.

Build great apps

Download a preview build of the latest Windows SDK and Emulator, and explore what's new in building universal apps for Windows.

Be a part of the community

Connect with people who are as into technology as you are. Join the forums, swap advice, and learn about upcoming Insider-only events.

Get early access to releases

Download the Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview and get ready for the coming PC builds.

Build great hardware

Get preview builds of the hardware development kits and start creating universal drivers for Windows.

Build great devices

Install Windows IoT Core Insider Preview on supported IoT development boards and build amazing connected solutions using the Universal Windows Platform.
See the impact Insiders are having on the future of Windows, how their feedback is being 
implemented, and how it’s all helping create a more meaningful product.

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